Credit analysts

To the best of our knowledge, the following credit analysts cover Deutsche Bank:

Autonomous Research Corinne Cunningham
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Richard Thomas
Barclays Soumya Sarkar, David Alam
Citigroup Lee Street
Commerzbank  Paul Noller
Crédit Agricole Gildas Surry
Crédit Agricole Elena Jalba
ING Suvi Platerink-Kosonen
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Ingo Frommen
Morgan Stanley Alvaro Ruiz de Alda, Louise Miles
Octo Finances Gilles de Bourrousse
Société Générale Brajesh Kumar
UniCredit Dr. Michael Teig

Note: This list may not be complete and may change from time to time. We update the list periodically, but undertake no obligation to do so. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts made by these analysts on Deutsche Bank's performance are not opinions, forecasts or predictions of Deutsche Bank or its management. By providing the list above, Deutsche Bank does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. Copies of reports by any of the listed analysts must be obtained directly from the analysts or their firms. Deutsche Bank does not distribute such reports.